

Why Choose Us?

Use this section to build trust and create a personal connection with your customers. The more a prospective customer knows about you, the more likely they are to purchase from your store. Use this section to explain why your store is the best place to purchase the type of goods you sell. Be sure to highlight the things that make your products and services unique. For example, are your items made locally, sourced from special ingredients or customized? This is the place to tell your customers how great your products and services are. Leave a memorable impression that makes them want to tell their friends about you and come back for more. Free shipping? Do you support a charity? Let them know here!

Insert a customer testimonial or a favorite quote that describes your business motto.
Mary Smith
local celebrity

About Us

Marinet de Veer

Yoga teacher

Here you let your customers get to know you. Tell them a little bit about yourself and why you created this business. Do you have a passion, hobby or life experience that inspired you to get started? Do you have special skills or training that make you an expert in your field? Show your customers that there are real people with interesting stories working behind the scenes. Helping customers feel connected to you and your purpose will inspire more trust in your brand.


Sta je er wel eens bij stil dat jouw levensstijl effect op je lijf en gevoelens heeft? Hoe zorg je nu voor jouw fysieke en emotionele gezondheid? We hebben het allemaal druk. Stress gevoelens zoals prestaties, deadlines en andere sociale druk zorgen ervoor dat we soms onszelf vergeten. Heb je behoefte aan rust en wil je bewust worden van je geest?

Ik leer jou door middel van korte meditaties en yoga oefeningen meer rust te creëren in jouw leven, waarbij het effect al direct voelbaar is. Hierboven zie je de aankondiging van de filmpjes die binnenkort op deze website worden gepresenteerd. Op dit moment wordt er hard gewerkt aan de lessen waarvan elke week een nieuwe oefening op deze website zal verschijnen. Geïnteresseerden kunnen zich nu alvast inschrijven.


Rolsteeg 12, 2011 NA, Haarlem


Kundalini Yoga:   

Di 20.00 – 21.15

Wo 10.30 – 12.15

Do 20.00 – 21.15